It’s time for the rubber to meet the road! It’s time to start making sales. In todays post we’re going to go over the exact 3 step process to start getting paying subscribers ASAP.
If you’ve missed the last two posts on The Secret To Time And Money Freedom and The 4 Triggers That Get Paying Subscribers Now you’ll definitely want to check those out before continuing.
But if you’re ready to continue and want to start getting sales in the next few days then keep reading. It’s time to put all this theory into action. We need a game plan. So that’s exactly what we’re going to be covering today.
The “Golden Goose” Marketing Campaign
There are a few amazing benefits to selling your subscriptions with this method. It will get you more leads than you will ever know what to do with. You’ll break even immediately. You can scale very quickly. It’s incredibly flexible and it requires very little effort to start.
Before we get too far into things I want to shine a spotlight on some of the unique benefits of this promotion. When you consider it’s efficiency and everything it does it really is astounding. So here we go…
Unique Benefits of the "Golden Goose" Promotion
- 1The average opt-in rate for this campaign is around 40-50% before split testing. When the industry average is 20-25% this is astounding! This is the best way to collect leads for future sales.
- 2The average sales conversion rate for this campaign is between 5-10% from cold traffic. That means 5-10% of the people that visit your page the first time will purchase. That is astoundingly high.
- 3These campaigns have a tendency to go viral. People share them on Facebook, Twitter and through e-mail. The perceived value of the promotion is so high, people can’t wait to share it.
- 4This works for any type of product or service, no matter what you’re selling. Customers are able to purchase any product, at any price point by clicking 1 button.
- 5You’re profitable on the “front end” so you can scale your business very quickly. Which means after the initial few sales… no money out of pocket! Most people that follow this method make sales within 2-3 days of the campaign starting.
And the best part… all of this has been tested time and time again by our team and thousands of our members! At this point… it’s proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Ok… so let’s start building this “Golden Goose” marketing campaign.
3 Steps To Getting Sales Now
Thankfully, this is actually a very simple sales process. But the reason why it’s so effective is because it takes advantage of hard-wired psychological “triggers” that just make us want to buy!
The tips and tricks you’ll pick up from this short article are literally decades (if not centuries!) old. And that’s because human psychology doesn’t change. Marketing tactics and tricks may… but we buy for the exact same reasons today as we did 100 years ago.
And the great thing about that is you don’t have to constantly chase the latest and greatest marketing fads. You don’t need to follow the marketing “fashion trends”. You’ve got timeless style. 😉
So let’s get started. What are the 3 steps we need in order to attract leads and turn them into customers that pay us every month?
First we need to attract customers. The best way to do that is with free gifts. Next we have to make them an offer they can’t refuse. And finally we have to deliver on all our promises to keep our customers happy.
So let’s take a look at Step 1 and start attracting those customers…
Step #1 - Attract Your Perfect Customer

First you need to attract customers. The best way to do that is with free gifts.
FREE is the most powerful word in marketing. It grabs peoples attention and makes them do whatever it is you want them to do in order to get their free item… as long as the item has a high enough value.
Which is why FREE giveaway products have been used in marketing campaigns for literally hundreds of years. Free trials, free samples, in-store giveaways and bonuses are all tools in a marketers tool box and they all work very, very well!
So why not use our hard-wired love the word “FREE” to attract customers?
In order to attract customers to our subscription product we need to find a product to give away that will appeal to the same type of people we want to attract. Ideally this product is related to your subscription business as well.
We’ll use a Dog Training Subscription program as an example.
Let’s say I had a dog training subscription business and I wanted to get new customers to sign up.
What could I offer that would have a high enough value to get people to stop what they’re doing and pay attention immediately?
Most people give away free guides and reports. But let’s be honest here, while that may work it can be difficult conveying the value of a FREE PDF download. It does work…

This is what most people use as their lead capture page. About 20-30% of the people that land on this page will click through and opt in. Ok… but not great.”
What we’ve found works best is giving away free physical products. People love free gifts. People love getting stuff in the mail. And because they’re being sent something in the mail they’re much more likely to share it with a friend!
So If I had a dog based subscription business and I wanted to attract new customers what type of stuff could I give away? How about free dog toys or a free dog collar? What about a leash or a portable water bowl? There are tons of things you can find to give away… and I’ll show you exactly how in just a few seconds.
Don’t worry about logistics right now. I promise it will all make sense in a few minutes… and most importantly that you won’t have to ever ship or handle any physical products if you don’t want to. You could do this whole process from a tree house! 🙂
For the time being, let’s look at this from the customers perspective.
The Customers Perspective

Dog owners are incredibly passionate about their furry friends. So free gifts like dog collars real grab attention!
Imagine for a moment that you’re a happy dog owner. Your little buddy Fido is a part of the family. He goes everywhere with you. He’s essentially “one of the kids”. You’re just crazy about the little guy.
So you’re browsing around on Facebook looking at pictures of other cool dogs doing fun stuff when all of a sudden you see an ad for a FREE LED dog collar as part of a grand opening special.
It might look something like this…

Ad's like this stop people in their tracks, make them pay attention and cause them to click through in alarmingly large percentages!
You’ve seen these dog collars in popular pet stores before and you know they normally sell for $20 on sale… so the fact that these are FREE is a huge deal. You’re curious, but because there’s “no such thing as a free lunch” you’re skeptical. You click the ad.
On the next page you see a beautiful picture of the free dog collar you’re going to get. It talks about the benefits of keeping your pet safe at night. There’s a short blurb from a customer about how it saved her dog from being hit by a car, lots of testimonials but most importantly you answer…

When people visit your free offer page they’ll see a headline, the image, the order form, countdown timer and the buy button. The details are put further down the page.
“What’s The Catch?”
In order to make a customer comfortable enough to continue with their order you have to justify why you’re giving these away for free. People know there’s no such thing as a “free lunch”. So they want to know what the catch is. Why are you doing this?
Your justification in this case is the “Grand Opening Special.” You’re a new business and you want to attract customers. Free promotional giveaways are something most customers are very familiar with!
If you don’t have an explanation as to why this thing is being given away for free it raises customers suspicions and they will not “claim their gift”.
When you do give them an explanation they’re far more likely to continue because it’s a promotion they’re already familiar with. Retail stores use this type of campaign all the time!
Can’t use the “Grand Opening Special”? What about a Fall Special? Or a Holiday Special? There are always reasons to justify having a sale. 🙂
When you’ve alleviated customer concerns, shown them the benefits and reviews and removed all barriers. Most people will jump at the chance to get almost anything for FREE… especially if it’s something they’re passionate about!
Now, unfortunately even though we’re giving away the product for free. We can’t ship it for free as well. So the customer will have to pay shipping costs. Also something they’re very familiar with! Most small “mom & pop” online shops still charge S&H… we can’t all be Amazon ;).
So even though customers get their gift for free, they do have to cover the small shipping charge. But just like almost every other website they’ve purchased from… they don’t know the shipping costs before they enter their mailing address.

Customers only find out the shipping cost after they’ve opted in. Because of this setup, the average opt-in rate of these pages is 40-50%!
So what does our customer do right after they visit the page? They want to figure out shipping costs to get their free gift. And how do they do that? They enter their full details including name, address and e-mail.
Which is why nearly 50% of the people that land on this page opt-in! This has one of the highest opt-in rates of any campaign I’ve ever seen!
So the customer enters their contact and shipping details. The shopping cart updates. They see the cost to ship their free gift is only $5 so they enter their credit card details and complete the order.
And amazingly 5-10% of the people that land on your page will end up completing their order. This sales campaign has one of the highest “cold traffic conversion rates” of any campaign I’ve ever seen.
We’ve just turned a cold visitor into a buyer with alarming efficiency. Now time to peek behind the scenes and see how this is used to sell anything from one-time offers to subscriptions that pay you for a lifetime!
Behind The Curtains
On the surface our dog loving visitor was browsing on facebook, he sees a free promotional gift to advertise a new business and he orders it. This is a very normal process. But let’s take a look at what’s happening behind the curtains with this AMAZING sales campaign.
Well, one thing is for certain. We won’t be shipping products by hand. We’re not buying crates of inventory and we’re certainly not going to be losing money with this. Thankfully due to our global economy we’re able to tap into fantastic wholesale and drop shipping websites that allow us to buy products at 80-90% discounts! You can then have these products shipped to anywhere in the world. And when you realize websites like these exist it makes it very hard to ever pay full retail again! Imagine getting 80-90% off almost everything you need for your home or hobbies?!
Drop shipping is a fantastic way to sell physical products without ever having to deal with inventory headaches! Just buy products online and have them sent directly to your customers at a profit!
Websites like www.AliExpress.com are some of the largest in the world. These aren’t small “mom & pop” type businesses. These are multibillion dollar organizations that are very reliable. Consider it the Chinese equivalent of Amazon.com. In fact, many dollar stores purchase from these websites already!
When you visit the website and search for products like LED Dog Collars. You’ll notice that the price is anywhere between $1.50 and $3.00. Very, very inexpensive compared to what you’d pay in North America.

By buying items directly from the manufacture, you’re able to get discounts of up to 80% off retail!
And it’s this wholesale price difference that we’ll use to make our profit. So when a customer pays $5 shipping for a product he perceives is valued at $20 (even though it only costs $3), he gets a great deal, and you’ve made a $2.00 for giving it away for “Free”!

To send the product to the customer, just enter in their shipping address when ordering online.
Oh… and in regards to shipping the LED Dog Collar to the customer? 🙂 All you have to do is buy it online and have it shipped directly to the customer on the companies behalf. What we’re doing here is called “drop shipping”. It’s simple. It’s easy. And it works very, very well.
Here’s where things get interesting. Because the customer has already entered their credit card information, they don’t need to enter it again. Which means they can purchase ANYTHING by just clicking 1 button. Making it MUCH easier to sell just about anything.
All you need to do now is make them an offer they can’t refuse…
Step #2 - Making An Offer They Can’t Refuse
The hard part is done. Once a customer is on your site and engaged to the point of purchasing, getting them to purchase again is a piece of cake.
Starting to see why this works so well? You’re offering your customers a product they already want for free, and then leveraging the sales momentum to get them to purchase the item you actually want them to buy!
So let’s go back to our customers perspective and see what’s going on next.
The Customers Perspective Cont.
Our customer is pretty happy. He’s expecting to get something in the mail that is worth easily $20, that he got for free with the exception of the small shipping charge.
At this point most stores would redirect you towards a plain old “Thank You” page that tells you your purchase details, offers you a coupon or tells you to share your purchase on social media. But this is actually the BEST time to ask a customer to purchase something else. And since they only have to click 1 button to purchase now… it makes the sale that much easier!
So after our dog loving friend competes his purchase instead of being sent to a plain thank you page, we’re going to send him to a limited time special offer page only available to new, first time customers!
And right at the top of the “Thank You” page our customer reads:
“WAIT! Keep Reading For A Special Offer For New Customers”

An example of an upsell page giving away a silver plated dog bone necklace as a bonus for joining the monthly subscription.
So of course he keeps reading.
The page goes on to thank him for his business. Explain that his free gift will be in the mail shortly and what he can do if he has questions. It then offers another AMAZING free gift just because he’s a new customer. In this case, let’s say it’s a LED glow in the dark leash to go with the dog collar. It has a retail value of $29.95.
The page goes on to explain the benefits, features and advantages of this amazing dog leash. It’s durable, waterproof, the battery lasts for 5 years, etc…
Best of all… it’s FREE for a limited time only! So what does our new customer have to do to get this LED dog leash valued at $29.95?
All he has to do is pay $5 and sign up for Dog Trainers Monthly.
Then the letter goes on to explain all the real world benefits, amazing gifts, bonuses, giveaway draws and stories featured every month. It talks about the discounts on pet supplies, featured articles and all the other great stuff he’ll keep getting with his membership.
And of course … he also gets the FREE LED Dog Leash valued at $29.95. Of course, this seems like a no brainer to our customer so he signs up on the spot.
And what’s fantastic about this page is that approx. 1/4 to 1/3rd of the people that land on it will join your subscription business… all because you gave away a free dog collar you turned a profit on!
So we’ve got a plan to attract the ideal customers. We know how we’re going to turn them into monthly paying subscribers. Now we need to focus on keeping them happy so they keep paying us month after month!
Step #3 - Keeping Your Customers Happy
So far we’ve stacked the deck in our favour. Our new customer thinks we’re the greatest thing in the world. He’s gone from browsing Facebook to discovering us to getting nearly $50 worth of stuff in the mail for FREE.
He’s been treated like a VIP with special discounts and in general has the “warm fuzzies” about our business. So much so that he’s decided to subscribe to our monthly dog training business. And as long as we don’t do anything to upset our new customer, he’ll keep paying us for a VERY long time.
So let’s take a look at this one last time from our customers perspective…
Customers Perspective Cont.

The easiest way to share your content is by writing it in Microsoft Word and saving it as a PDF. Here’s a great example of someone that has done just that!
Let’s assume that our dog loving customer has now subscribed and is a paying monthly customer. He’s received his first subscription and is happy with the tips, advice, and other content you’ve shared. He’s even taken action on the advice and has seen real world benefits. There’s no doubt the subscription is worth the small monthly charge!
Feel free to share your content using whatever medium you think is best! There is no wrong way to do this! Websites, PDF’s, Daily E-mails, Facebook Groups are all options people have used in the past with great success!
How can we give him the best experience so that he stays subscribed and paying as long as possible?
Well, believe it or not, it’s actually pretty simple! As long as we don’t “rock the boat” and continue to provide value most people stay subscribed for a very long time.
We can share stories, tips, tricks, more products for sale at deep discounts, expert interviews. Really almost anything as long as it provides value.
So, what kind of stuff could we include in “Dog Trainers Monthly” to keep our customers happy?
Behind The Curtains
You’ve got quite a few options as far as finding content for your subscription business! We go over this a in a lot more detail on our live training webinar, but briefly here are a few different ways to get information your subscribers will love.
How To Find Content For Your Subscription Business
- 1Create Content - This is perfect for anyone that wants to be featured as the expert or authority figure in their community. If you’ve got experiences or expertise the world should hear about, this is perfect for you!
- 2Buy Content - If you’d rather be the “Wizard of Oz” behind the marketing and not have to worry about content, buying it is an excellent option. Purchasing Private Label Rights material from 3rd party vendors is not only cheap and easy, but you can find some surprisingly high quality stuff as well!
- 3Feature Content - If buying and creating content isn’t an option then you can also feature content. Of course you’ll need to get permission from the content creator. But highlighting great articles, tips and pieces other people have created (with permission) can be incredibly valuable. People love curated content and the people whose content you’re sharing will appreciate the extra traffic you’re sending them.
- 4Partner With Content - Maybe you know an expert or authority figure you’d like to partner with. Or perhaps you’d like to reach out to a figure head that is already in the community and create a subscription business with them. Partnering with content creators is a great option and can really lighten the amount of work you have to do each month!
Now of course, there are other options as well. If you’d rather create a support group, a weekly training session or any other recurring kind of “value” go for it! You’re only limited by your imagination.
The only thing you need to remember: Everything you share MUST have real world, measurable value. And the total amount of real world value needs to be at least 10x what you’re charging for your subscription. A $5 / month subscription should contain at least $50 worth of value.
If you’re not quite sure what to do for your subscription business, I highly suggest you watch our live training webinar where we go over all these options in detail.
And as long as you keep providing this value every month in unique and creative ways you’ll have customers that continue to happily pay you month after month, forever.
The Worlds Most Effective Ad Campaign
It’s pretty easy to see why this is one of the worlds most effective advertising
campaigns. It’s easy to setup, flexible, incredibly effective and will never stop working. It gives you an extreme edge over your competition in any market, anywhere in the world. In a nutshell… it can’t be beat.
Here are just a few of the many benefits this promotion and business model have…
What To Do Next
If you’ve read this far you’re probably chomping at the bit to get started. Well, I’ve got great news.
I’ve got a training webinar set up for just this scenario! 🙂
So if you want to know “what next”… then click the big button below. Enter your name and e-mail and watch our live training webinar. On the call you’ll learn exactly what to do to build one of these businesses yourself. I’m even giving away a FREE template to all that attend. So don’t miss out! Get started building your online business today.
This is great info. I have a high ticket digital download business and I’m wondering if this will work for me too.